A Tale of Two Apples: Galland’or

Today, we’re going to uncover the secrets behind your favourite bubbly drink and embark on a journey that takes us from orchard to glass.

Our first priority as a brand is quality, and it starts from the apples. We hand-select two types of apples from the finest orchards in France that are the perfect combination of sweet and tangy flavours and make Galland’or sparkle like no other.

But it doesn’t stop there, because once we have our apples, it’s time to work our magic. We start by pressing the fruit and adding a touch of fizz, but we can’t have a sparkling drink that doesn’t sparkle, so we add premium 23k gold flakes to give it the shine it needs. 

So, the next time you pop open a bottle of Galland’or, know that you’re not just drinking juice, you’re tasting a little piece of France.

The Trendy New Fashion

The Trendy New Fashion


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